Department of Fish and Game delivered two tanker truckloads of Chinook salmon smolts to Pillar Point Harbor on May 31, 2012.
This is the second of two shipments in the last month. 120,000 smolts arrived from the Feather River Hatchery in Oroville and were poured into a net pen at the harbor. The first delivery on May 10th included about 60,000 smolts.
Gorelnik said the project is intended to introduce the fish to saltwater while bypassing the hazards of the inland delta. Salmon populations had diminished greatly in recent years. Gorelnik credits the hatchery trucking program, in part, with bringing back salmon in large numbers.
The smolts were fed every two hours by an automated feeder. Tags in their head identify them. When the fish is caught a wire tag will reveal that it came from the fishing club's pen.