Coastal Sediment

Santa Cruz Coastal Regional Sediment Management Plan

Dear Santa Cruz Littoral Cell Coastal Stakeholder: 

On behalf of the Coastal Sediment Management Workgroup (CSMW), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS), I am pleased to announce that the Coastal Regional Sediment Management Plan for the Santa Cruz Littoral Cell is now available on the CSMW website.

To download the document, click on "Santa Cruz Littoral Cell CRSMP" under "What's New" on the top right hand corner of the page. The PDF document is 300+ pages and about 17mb, so the download may take several minutes. Also, when the PDF is viewed in Adobe Reader or Acrobat some of the tables might appear fuzzy, but should display much better when zoomed in or printed. 

Although this Plan is marked as final, it should be noted that it is a living document which we are planning to update in the future. Thus, we are hoping to receive additional input during a final public comment/review period, which will be open until November 9th. We have received extensive input from stakeholders up to this point, which has been essential in revising the draft version of this Plan. We encourage you to review the Plan and provide comments, suggested edits, general feedback, etc.

Comments can be submitted electronically by email (preferred method) to me at

Thank you,


James G. Zoulas, Ph.D., E.I.T.  

Civil Engineer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
1455 Market Street, 17th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103